Apparel Store - 9.78 x ROAS
Facebook Ads Challenges
? As we know, Facebook Ads are not an overnight solution. It takes time to test, optimize, and scale for accounts to see results. The client had not done any marketing campaign in the past when he came on board
? Everything from creating their ideal client avatar, to brand messaging, to their funnel strategy had to be built from the ground up
? It required extensive audience research, industry research, and the competitor analysis to develop the final strategy that would produce results for the client
The Strategy
We quickly analyzed what was working in the industry by using our competitor research tools.
Here’s a look at our process:
☝️ With the help of the client, we built ideal customer avatars
☝️ Proper pixel installation for building audiences
☝️ Created 18 different audiences to test out in the initial phase (TOF)
☝️ We built a full funnel
☝️ We created super offers at the middle of the funnel to bring back customers on the fence
☝️ We used lookalike audiences with narrowed targeting to hit a very targeted audience
☝️ We created a solid abandoned cart email sequence to help increase their store conversion rate
The Results
✔️ During our third month, we began producing over 4x, and now 9.78x ROAS
✔️ The client believed in what we were doing and gave us the ability to test
E-Mail Marketing - 68.09 % Open Rate
Client Intro: Email Marketing Case Study for a Services Business in Arizona. Learn how we generated hundreds of 5-star reviews for a services business via email marketing.
The Email Marketing Challenges
? We had two unengaged email lists
? The customer email list had 13K contacts and Leads e-mail list had only 1,500 contacts.
? People on both the lists had not received an email in 10 months.
? There was no email automation set up in the place
? The client wanted immediate results.
Our Strategy
☝️ Based on the number of contacts in the customer email list, we decided to use that first.
☝️ Now, these people had already used our client’s services, and most of the time, it is a one-time service. So these people couldn’t be repeat buyers
☝️ With this in mind, we decided to use the customer email list to get more reviews for our client on Google, Yelp, and Trustpilot.
☝️ We created a Review Email Sequence and started sending it out in batches.
The Results
✔️ We launched the Review Email Sequence to 5,000 contacts initially.
✔️ Within the first 24 hours, we got 54 new, unsolicited, genuine reviews on Google alone!
✔️ We bagged 19 reviews on Yelp and Trustpilot in the first 24 hours. Boom!
✔️ The results didn’t slow down until the 3rd day, and we got over a hundred reviews in total with just one email.
✔️ Email open rate on the first email was 35% along with a CTR of 7.21%
✔️ We didn’t stop there and had automation in place.
✔️ People who had opened the email but didn’t review were sent a follow-up email
✔️ The contacts who had not opened the email at all were sent a separate email follow up.
✔️ The email open rate on the 2nd email was 68.09% with 8.04% CTR.
✔️ People who had opened the email clicked the links, and didn’t submit the review were followed up with a separate email
✔️ By the end of our Review Email Sequence, we bagged 159 reviews in total on Google, Yelp, and Trustpilot.